
As Much As A Rat's Tail -쥐꼬리만큼 (커버이미지)
As Much As A Rat's Tail -쥐꼬리만큼
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자피터 N. 립탁 지음 
  • 출판사EXILE Press 
  • 출판일2009-04-30 
보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


lives and writes in Seoul, Korea. An avid traveler and poet, Peter draws on Korea's people, language and culture as a source of inspiration, linguistic and otherwise. Keen on dialect and borrowed words in language, Peter did his MA in Korean Studies at Yonsei University. Catch up with Peter and his musings at www.coffeeshopcontemplations.com or his adventures at www.poeticmisadventures.com


간지난다 [gan-ji-nan-da] look cool or be cool; off the hook 8

갈구다 [gal-gu-da] to tease, nag, irritate or annoy 9

갈구다 [gap-i-da] the same age 10

강추 [gang-chu] to strongly recommend something 11

개기다 [gae-gi-da] take a defiant attitude; defy one’s superior 12

겁나게 [geop-na-gae] very much 13

고고씽 [go-go-ssing] let’s race or get going 14

고딩(초딩, 중딩, 대딩, 직딩) [go-ding] High School student (Elementary, Middle,

University student, Office worker) 15

고춧가루 뿌리다 [gochugaru bburida] to ruin (a situation) 16

골때린다 [gol-ddae-rin-da] to act in a preposterous or nonsensical way 17

골초/꼴초 [gol-cho] a heavy smoker or chain smoker 18

공주병 [gong-ju-byeong] princess complex 19

구라까다 (치다) [gu-ra-gga-da(chi-da)] to lie 20

구리다 [gu-ri-da] disgusting or ghastly 21

귀차니즘 [gui-cha-nism] a belief that everything is annoying 22

까리하다 [gga-ri-ha-da] to look cool, pimped, pimpin’ 23

까다 [gga-da] to beat someone 24

깔(따구) [ggal / ggal-dda-gu] girlfriend 26

깝치다 [ggap-chi-da] to fool around 28

깬다(확 깬다) [ggaen-da / ho-ak ggaen-da] break the trance 29

깡/깡다구 [ggang/ggang-da-gu] reluctant to admit defeat 30

꺼져 [ggeo-jeo] get out; no way 32

꽝이다 [gwang-i-da] it’s nothing, it sucks 33

꼬라지 [ggo-ra-ji] an appearance or a plight 34

꼬라지 나다 [ggo-ra-ji na-da] to be offended over trifles 35

꼬붕 [ggo-bung] a subordinate or inferior 36

꼬지다 [ggo-ji-da] poor quality (piece of shit) 37

꼴았다 [ggol-at-da] (bet and) lose money 38

꼴통 [ggol-tong] a troublemaker 39

꼽사리 끼다 [ggob-sa-ri ggi-da] thrust oneself into 40

꼽살리다 [ggob-sal-li-da] to annoy someone 42

나발불다 [na-bal-bul-da] drink from the bottle 44

나비 [na-bi] a flirt 46

나이롱 환자 [nylon hwan-ja] nylon patient 47

나와바리 [na-wa-ba-ri] it’s my area 48

낙동강 오리알 [nak-dong-gang ori al] Nakdong River duck egg 50

낙하산 [nak-ha-san] parachute nepotism 52

네똥 굵다 [nui-ddong geulk-da] your poop is thick 54

날라리 [nal-la-ri] player, a person who just likes to have fun 56

넨장맞을 [naen-jang-maj-eul] it’s torture 57

노가다[no-ga-da] work hard 58

노가리 까다 [no-ga-ri gga-da] wasting time talking 59

눈깔이 삐었다 [noon-ggal-i bbi-ot-da] your eyes are sprained 60

눈탱이가 밤탱이 되다 [noon-taeng-i-ga bam-taeng-i dwe-da] to get a black eye 62

농땡이 [nong-ddaeng-i] an idler, lazybones, do-little or dawdler 64

대가리 [dae-ga-ri] captain (of a group) 66

대략난감 [dae-ryak-nan-gam] an unbearable situation 67

대박이다 [dae-bak-i-da] its lucky / that’s great 68

돌아가시겠다 [dol-a-ga-si-get-da] make me crazy 69

돗대 [doet-dae] final one, last cigarette 70

됐거든 [duet-geo-deun] forget-about-it 72

된장녀 [duen-jang-nyo] material girl 73

뒤땅까다 [dui-ddang-gga-da] speak ill of someone behind their back 74

뒷북치다 [duit-buk-chi-da] old news 75

따 (왕따, 은따, 전따) [dda] an outcast 76

따가리 [dda-ga-ri] a lighter 77

따먹다 [ddameokda] to have a one-night stand 78

딱지 떼다 [ddak-ji ddaeda] lose one’s virginity 80

땡땡이 치다 [ddaeng-ddaeng-i chi-da] skip school 82

땡잡다 [ddaeng-jab-ta] grab some luck 83

띠껍다 [ddi-ggeob-da] don’t like (a facial expression) 84

만먹다 [man-meok-da] not show respect to elders 86

말리다 [mal-li-da] not go well 87

말 까다 [mal gga-da] speak plainly (without the niceties) 88

맛이 갔다 [mash-i-kat-da] went crazy, lost one’s senses 90

맞장뜨다 [mat-jang-ddeu-da] fighting (one-on-one) 91

물이 좋다 [mul-i joh-ta] the water is good 92

몽땅 [mong-ddang] all, everything, completely 94

바가지 긁다 [ba-ga-ji geulk-da] to nag someone 96

바가지 쓰다 [ba-ga-ji sseu-da] pay a lot for crap 98

반사 [ban-sa] ditto 99

방콕 [bang-kok] staying in the room (during vacation) 100

배째라 [(bae-jjae-ra] I won’t change my mind 101

100m 미인 [100meter mi-in] an ugly person 102

벼락치기 [byeo-rak-chi-gi] hasty preparation 103

불알친구 [bul-al-chin-gu] childhood friend 104

불어 [bul-eo] tell everything 105

불타는 고구마 [bul-ta-neun go-gu-ma] red faced from drinking 106

빈대붙다 [bin-dae-but-da] to be a parasite 108

빡세다[bbak-soe-da] hard work 109

빡돌다[bbak-dol-da] get angry 110

뽀대난다 [bbo-dae-nan-da] cool 112

뽀록 [bbo-rok] pure luck (not due to ability) 113

뽀리다 [bbo-ri-da] to shoplift 114

뽕브라 [bbong-beu-ra] padded bra 115

뽕빼다 [bbong-bbae-da] get your money’s worth 116

삐끼 [bbi-kki] waiter getting customers in the street 117

삥뜯다 [bbing-ddeut-da] to fleece someone 118

사오정 [sa-o-jeoung] idiot 120

삽질하다 [sab-jil-ha-da] do something useless, waisted effort 121

새대가리 [sae-dae-ga-ri] stupid or forgetful 122

시원하다 [si-won-ha-da] it’s relaxing or refreshing 123

새되다 [sae-doe-da] to become foolish 124

섹끈하다 [soek-ggeun-ha-da] cool or fabulous 126

식후땡 [shik-hu-ddaeng] after meal smoke 128

싸가지 없다 [ssa-ga-ji eob-da] no manners 129

쌩까다 [ssaeng-gga-da] pretending not to understand 130

쌩얼 [ssaeng-eol] without makeup 131

썰렁하다 [sseol-leong-ha-da] its not funny 133

아다 [a-da] virgin 135

안습 [an-seup] I saw what I shouldn’t see 136

야리다 [ya-ri-da] to squint and stare, to leer 137

양다리 [yang-da-ri] dating two people at once 138

양아치 [yang-a-chi] (simply Siwoo!) a wannabe gangster 139

엄창 [eom-chang] I swear 140

일잠 [il-jam] sleep early 141

여병추 [yeo-byeong-chu] (to call someone) a retard 142

영계 [yeong-gyae] a young girl (or sometimes guy) 144

이빠이 [i-bba-i] fill ‘er up (at gas station) 146

입이 싸다 [ib-i ssa-da] can’t keep a secret, loose tounged 148

임마 [im-ma] you little so-and-so; you little shit 150

작업 [jag-eop] picking (someone) up 152

잘 나가 [jal na-ga] to do well (with women) 154

쥐뿔 [jui-bbol] something trivial or insignificant 155

지못미 [ji-mot-mi] sorry, I couldn’t protect you 156

진도 어디까지 나갔어? [jin-do eo-di-gga-ji na-gass-eo]

how far did you get (with him/her) 158

짝퉁 [jjak-tung] imitaion product 160

짱이다 [jjang-i-da] its cool 161

짬뽕 [jjam-bbong] mixed breed or mixed blood person 162

짭새 [jjab-sae] police (derogatory) 164

쪽팔리다 [jjok-pal-li-da] to be shameful 166

쭉쭉빵빵 [jjuk-jjuk-bbang-bbang] voluptuous 167

철판깔다 [cheol-pan-ggal-da] to know no shame 169

찬밥 [chan-bab] nobody, someone of no importance 170

컨닝하다 [cun-ning-ha-da] to use ‘cunning’ to cheat on tests 173

태클걸다 [tae-keul-geol-da] to interrupt someone 175

토끼다 [to-ggi-da] to run away 176

토나오다 [to-na-o-da] I hate it, hell no 177

튕기다 [twing-gi-da] to feign refusal (and then concede) 178

퍼뜩 [peo-ddeuk] suddenly, in a flash, hurry 180

폭탄이다 [pok-tan-i-da] to look terrible or be ugly 181

피보다 [pi-bo-da] it sucked; it was bad 182

허접 [heo-jeob] you suck (at an online game) 184

환장하다 [huan-jang-ha-da] become crazy (for) 185

후까시 잡다 [hu-gga-shi jab-da] sudden pretense 186

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