
감리교의 창시자인 웨슬리 (The Book of The Young People's Wesley, by W. McDonald) (커버이미지)
감리교의 창시자인 웨슬리 (The Book of The Young People's Wesley, by W. McDonald)
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자W. McDonald 
  • 출판사뉴가출판사 
  • 출판일2020-05-06 
보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 1, 누적예약 0


감리교의 창시자인 웨슬리.The Book of The Young People's Wesley, by W. McDonald
MY sole object in the preparation of this little volume has been to meet what I
regard as a real want―a Life of John Wesley which shall include all the essential
facts in his remarkable career, presented in such a comprehensive form as to be
quickly read and easily remembered by all; not so expensive as to be beyond the
reach of those of the most limited means, and not so large as to require much
time, even of the most busy worker, to master its contents. I have sought to give
my readers a faithful view of the man―his origin, early life, conversion, marvelous
ministry, what he did, how he did it, the doctrines he preached, the persecutions
he encountered, and his triumphant end.
This revised and enlarged edition will be found to contain many interesting
features not found in the first edition. I have added, also, a brief account of the
introduction of Methodism into America, as well as John Wesley's influence at
the opening of the twentieth century. For this interesting chapter I am indebted
to Rev. W. H. Meredith, of the New England Conference, who kindly consented
to[ 6] assist me, in view of the pressure to get the manuscript ready on time.
It will appear, from all that has been said, that Mr. Wesley was the most
remarkable character of the last century; and the influence of his life is more
potent for good to- day than ever before, and must continue to augment―if his
followers are true to their trust―till the end of time.

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